Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Tuscan summer

This simple cubist postcard’s size is only 10 x 15 cm. I realized the amount of effort needed for it just when I started it.

Karolina from B-craft initiated making patchwork summer postcards. It’s a fun and everybody can take part in it. 🙂 The works which will participate may be given to a charity auction (this is not a must) and this part was some extra encouragement to me.

This picture shows the work size in a proper scale.


These few patches sewed together reminded me a summer in Tuscany 😉

komentarze (8)

  1. JolaJola

    Efekt końcowy – fantastyczny 🙂 Widziałam ją w trakcie pracy. Ty byłaś Gosiu w Toskanii to wiesz co piszesz. Ja jeszcze nie byłam, a to kolejne moje marzenie. Bardzo mi się podoba Toskania z Twojej kartki wakacyjnej 🙂


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