Friday, 24 March 2017

What is that tweets in the grass?


Here Finder’s story continues on a third picture.

The nest was made by the meandering stream. It seems to me that the stream is there, or I’m the only one who sees it?

When I was making this quilt the most pleasure came to me from the flowers. I put those plants so that butterflies on the background were still visible. The pink flower with narrow petals is made of tiny scraps of the remains which remained from the petals of the bigger pink flower. When the composition was ready I finished it with quilting.


To create those pictures I used almost only the remains. Except the birds and a ladybug, which was cut off from a fabric coupon, all the elements are made of scraps, sometimes cut into even smaller pieces. The fillings for all the pictures are patched up from pieces too, but only with the same kind of it.

Here are two previous pictures:

DSC_0211-003 DSC_0251-002

And all of them:

The Finder made a nest, wooing Miss Finder and encouraging her to live in his nest. What may came from this? Who knows…

This series was a surprise to me as I didn’t intend to continue after the first picture. The impulse made me to do this.

I’m not going to make any more spring variations because I don’t have consistent scraps any more. Yet the story may continue as there are other seasons in front of us.

The work should conclude either by merging all the pieces together or by framing it separately. I don’t bother myself with this now. I’ll return to it after some time and will see what to do with it with fresh eye.

Have a Happy Spring!

Linked to Crazy Mom Quilts

komentarze (26)

  1. Wiola

    Akcja zmierza ku szczęśliwemu zakończeniu. Fantastyczne obrazki. Piękne, słonecznej i szczęśliwej wiosny Małgosiu:)

  2. Kasia

    Siostrzyczko _ czapki z głów. Jesteś niemożliwa. Nie mogę się napatrzeć na Twoje prace. Są przepiękne i czuję się jak Dyzio Marzyciel.

  3. Basia

    W końcu mam chwilę, żeby dooglądać Twoje ostatnie prace 🙂
    Ten tryptyk jest genialny 🙂 Fantastyczna kompozycja. Super pomysł i cała reszta. Gosia… no już nie wiem, jak określać to, jak wciąż zaskakujesz. Skąd Ty to bierzesz? No pewnie napiszesz z głowy 😉 Piękną masz jej zawartość 😉


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