I like those secret stashes that sometimes are called must-haves.
On occasion, I sew such a little one cause some little leftover piece of fabric is asking for being used. That’s the play with colour that I want to do something small and materials arrange themselves on their own.
The work below has been created when I was tidying up my fabrics and spotted this flowery material. A long time ago I made of it a pillow for eighteen.
The next piece took over my last notes. This fabric has been used many times and in various works. I remember some of them perfectly well.
When I sew such tiny pieces I’m doing my best to create a harmony of elements. This time the wren is helping to see the inside.
Sometimes I forget to take a picture of a work. Below is the only existing photo of the unfinished then kit that eventually emigrated to Ania J. The colours are not particularly accurate but the smartphone knows it better 😉
The helpers I created for my sister some time ago accompanied her on her holiday and it looks like they’ve been pictured nicely in an even nicer environment.
Gosiu cudeńka. Prace są przepiękne.
Fajnie, że spodobały Ci się 🙂
Super, że są już w dalekim świecie 😉 Te kolory są bajeczne w tej uroczej scenerii 🙂
Ja uwielbiam wszystkie kosmetyczki, a te malusie w szczególności 🙂
Ja też, pewnie dlatego, ze zwykle potrzebuję niewiele rzeczy.
Zatęskniłam za…
Oczywiście nie w samotności
I też zabieram w pdróże
Czyżby za Sardynią? 🙂
Basia, może w tym roku uda nam się jakaś wędrówka?