Thursday, 31 December 2020

My Favorites in a non-favorite year of 2020

This year is nearly over and I must admit, that’s not a pity this time to me. It must have been more or less painful for everybody.

In my last post, I referred to all my 2020 works. Today I want to show only the five chosen ones and recall some of the good memories of making them.

  1. My most favorite of 2020 is a picture called Orange Impression, actually hanging in my studio. The inspiration came from the Pinterest picture, to which link I received from my friend. I still enjoy watching it.

  2. My stash pouches appeared to be a very fruitful idea. I made them a lot and still do, from time to time. They’re of various shapes and colours, exactly as the individuals I made them for. I started sewing them as gifts for my travels and meeting friends, when, for a moment, it was allowed. I think this year more than ever made me think about persons I care about.

  3. I’ve never before put cosmetic bags in my year’s summary, even if I made so many of them. They visit various places in the world and many times they’re every day owner’s companion. My post “How to make a cosmetic bag with a zipper” is the most popular on my blog for years. Those practical patchwork helpers sometimes contain a portion of humor, as the everyday smile is their point too!

  4. Pads and little pictures. I like to sew them and all the little forms in general. It’s enough to have a piece of interesting fabric plus few scraps and a very unique form may emerge. Those Birds dwell in my sister’s house, for which I’m very glad.

  5. Golden Meadow has been created for our friend’s home and I believe it servers that purpose well. I wish the next year had more joy and light in it and more such light and optimistic quilts were created.

    If someone would like to enjoy the world of patchwork for a moment longer, may want to jump over to Cheryl’s Linking Party Best of 2020. It’s perfect for making new personal discoveries, inspirations on a number of blogs, use a tutorial, or simply watch the wonderful things made by quilters. I decided to join this year’s party, as I’m sure it will be a great pleasure. Thank you Cheryl!

    Best regards to you all and wish you many creative moments in the New Year. Let’s hope it will be better for us all. M.

komentarze (16)

  1. KasiaKasia

    Cudnej urody obrazki z ptaszkami wiszą u mnie. Codziennie na nie patrzę, piję z nimi kawę i jem posiłki.

  2. Ela

    Nie jest tajemnicą, że jestem oczarowana Twoją twórczością, Gosiu. I jestem przeszczęśliwa, że Złota Łąka zamieszkała w moim domu. Goszczę na niej codziennie i nigdy nie mam dość. Wśród i z Twoimi pracami jest mi cudnie. Nie wyobrażam sobie braku możliwości obcowania z nimi. DZIĘKUJĘ z całego serca

  3. JolaJola

    W moim domu, a nawet dwóch domach 🙂 jest sporo Twoich prac i ja jestem z tego powodu równie szczęśliwa jak Ela 🙂 Przemieszczam je sobie czasem w zależności od nastroju albo pór roku, tudzież świąt. Ale zawsze są obecne i mnie bardzo cieszą 🙂 Życzę Ci Małgosiu z całego serca aby ten rok przyniósł Ci więcej radości i uśmiechu na co dzień 🙂

    1. MałgorzataMałgorzata Post author

      Jak tak dalej pójdzie, to przydałoby nam się po trzecim domu, może czas było przystopować?
      A tak na poważnie, też zmieniam ciągle quilty, choć zwykle w obrębie jednego domu, z oczywistych względów.
      Bardzo dziękuję Jolu i nawzajem, wszystkiego dobrego!


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