Friday, 23 March 2018


I wanted to make some non-obvious Easter ornament, which could also hang around the house not only during festive seasons. That’s how I chose a hare.

I sewed this hare using a drawing, which I found in the internet when I was looking for a lamp for our home. I liked him a lot, as he fit into my imagination about long ears animal lurking in the grass, which I wanted to create.

Firstly I created a background with scraps (yes!). Then I drew an outline of the animal on the fabric and cut it and then, looking at the internet picture, filled it with color pieces of materials. Here is how it looked like:

I used free-hand quilting just looking at my computer monitor. Sometimes I only added scraps here and there.

Finally came the most pleasant part, which was making the plants. I like a lot to cut and arrange all the flowers,  grass and so on.

I made the border using a wide margin of the filling.

I was thinking aloud about it and I said that the result was too dark, but my husband, the first critic to my works, said calmly that “it was born that way”. So i stick to it 😀

All the best not only for Easter:)

 Size: 40 x 40 cm.

komentarze (24)

    1. MałgorzataMałgorzata Post author

      Hi LeAnn,
      It’s such a pleasure to keep getting comments like yours! They motivate me a lot! And this one is probably the greatest I’ve ever received!
      It’s a shame that there is such a big distance between us. Or maybe not?

  1. KasiaKasia

    Cuuudooowny. Przepiękny jest ten mój ziomal. Patrzy na mnie jak żywy.Gosiu jesteś niesamowita.

  2. The Joyful Quilter

    OMG!! This is SEW sweet!! It’s hard to believe that you started with that fairly basic bit of applique and a handful of thread. This finished piece begs me to sit and stare at it ALL DAY!!! The small piping added just the right finishing touch.

    1. MałgorzataMałgorzata Post author

      Well, just please don’t blame me for wasting your ALL DAY!
      And many thanks for a kind words, which by the way, very well described my favorite way of doing those things.

  3. Shelly

    This is wonderful! You are talented to just look at a computer and figure out your shapes and shadows!
    I do not think it is dark at all. Remember we are all unique, even in the animal world!

  4. KasiaKasia

    Co słychać u mojego ziomala zajączka, Czy aby nie jest głodny biedaczek. Tak na mnie patrzy …..

  5. JolaJola

    Cudowny się “urodził” 😉 Nic dodać nic ująć.
    Spokojnych i ciepłych Świąt Wam życzę 🙂

  6. Agnieszka

    Jak dla mnie jest perfekcyjny !!:) Pochłaniam Pani bloga w kazdej wilnej chwili i baaardzo zazdroszcze talentu. Pozdrawiam 🙂


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