Friday, 18 May 2018


These are the tiniest pieces I ever did, except the postcards. A bookmarks 🙂

I’m a book eater and I can’t imagine a day without few pages at least. The idea for patchwork bookmarks was returning to me from time to time.

The background for this shot is a picture from Olga Tokorczuk’s book, one of my most favorite Polish writer.

And guess what! I’m thinking about a few more already!

komentarze (10)

  1. Michelle

    Those are beautiful! I love the little details and the perfect finishing. (Seriously — how did you get those edges so neat?)

    1. MałgorzataMałgorzata Post author

      Hi Michelle,
      I make three rounds of sewing: once close to the edges with a simple stich and twice with dense zigzag. The edges are finished with a double embroidery thread. I use rather thick thread for sewing. Hopefully I’ll describe it in greater detail in a separate post one day.

  2. Basia

    Patchworki byly? byly!
    podusie byly? byly!
    torebki byly? byly!
    pocztowki byly? byly!
    zakladki byly? NIE BYLY!
    Tanczymy labada, labada, labada, tanczymy labada malego walczyla!
    Tak mi sie z ta zabawa skojarzylo 🙂
    Jeszcze moga byc znaczki pocztowe , jezeli starczy ci scinkow 🙂
    A zakladeczki milutkie, zachecaja do czytania (mozna je w trakcie czytana miedlic w garsci 🙂

  3. Ela

    Kto lubi czytać książki, nie zapomina o uszyciu zakładek:). No, urocze po prostu i bardzo przydatne.


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