My ideas have various sources. Sometimes it’s about a particular moment in time, sometimes about the need to cool myself down and finally just for simple joy of creation. Probably there are even some more. The inspiration comes from a piece of fabrics, from a picture, a remembered view and, above all, the world around.
Monthly Archives: January 2019
Blue Birds
A controversial title somehow…
It’s for the some time already as I wanted to use this title at one of my works. It’s supposed to be a different one but it delays all the time, so I decided to use at least a name to it.
Red Robin
Sometimes I meet him in our park. He has his favorite tree and seems to ba a curious creature. A lovely little ball of feathers.
Rigidly framed
I showed this picture already. I made it half a year ago and put it away, because I couldn’t decide what’s next.
I recalled it when I was making a last year’s summary and decided to finish it. I added some sky (however funny it sounds), changing the proportions and added a wide frame. Now I like it much more.
A couple
I started the New Year with a wedding sewing greetings.
Those cushions are for a young couple having almost the same first name 🙂 They (the cushions) supposed to be a colorful and they actually are, because everyone wish them a colorful and happy life together!