As an addition to the bag from a previous post a made a pouch. And because the bag had two disctinct sides, the pouch has them too.
Monthly Archives: November 2017
A Fairy’s Cats
Some time ago I made a bag for Alice. Well, she’s got crazy about it. I’ve never seen such a joy before, it’s just incredible. From time to time I hear from her, that she has the most beautiful bag in the world, both in written and oral form 🙂
The return of a clasp lock
It’s been some time since I sewed a purse with a clasp lock. This time as a navy blue version with some silver accents. A night butterflies.
Apple tree
Making this picture was a great pleasure to me. It put my worries away, I “planted” a new tree which is nice on its own, and this way I showed my favorite fruit tree.
With a holly
Some time ago I need a fabric for one picture so I bought the whole set. Some of them where in a Christmas style and I put them away. Well, Christmas is coming soon so such a cushion is going to be a useful thing to have.
Ostatnie okruchy jesieni…
Jakiś czas temu, późną zimą byliśmy z Przyjaciółmi na spacerze. Mało zachęcająca do takich wyjść pogoda nas nie zniechęciła. Po powrocie pokazałam kilka zdjęć i usłyszałam: “inaczej wszystko zapamiętałem, nie widziałem tyle koloru?”. Continue reading
All of my cats
I managed to shot few pictures before I sent them away. The light was not good so it was hard to make a good pictures. In my opinion those bags will be able to enlighten all the dark, however they’ll fit the best in the summer 🙂
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A woman in black…
…pretty distinguished in her world. This is the one before last picture of the glamour girls.