Saturday, 31 March 2018


Some time ago I wanted to try a classic quilting. Just to check if I’m capable to do something like this.

I started it without any particular plan. The beginning was at an outline of the internal heart (obviously). The drawing was unfolding with quilting of the every new fragment of it.  The quilting was surprisingly easy. It’s not perfect though, but that doesn’t bother me at all.

it reminds me drawings on a school notepads, somewhere on the last pages, or on a loose pages pulled from it. Just like flourishes made with a pen or pencil. Or a gingerbread ornaments.

The hardest part was to make a decent pictures of it.

Thia cushion is for my Mom, who is going to have her birthday soon 🙂

The inner part size is 50 cm x 50 cm.

komentarze (18)

  1. Kasia ino-ino

    wow! pięknie Małgosiu!
    bardzo mi się podoba…
    od kilku tygodni chodzi mi po głowie coś w tym stylu – na prezent ślubny dla znajomych…. trzeba zacząć ćwiczyć, bo to już w czerwcu 😉

  2. Ela

    Gosiu, nie wierzę, że jest coś takiego, czego nie potrafisz zrobić:) Zobacz, że i bez koloru:) pięknie można wyrazić uczucia. Ależ piękna praca!


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